The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The Twenty-Sixth Flash | 288

Thus, the way to share in that Beings (UWBP) intercession and profit from his light,  and  be saved from the darkness of the Intermediate Realm, is to follow his glorious practices.




At  the  time  I  approached  old  age,  my  physical  health,  which  perpetuates heedlessness, was broken. Old age and illness attacked me in concert. Hitting me over the head, they chased away sleep. I had nothing to bind me to the world like family, children, and  possessions. Having wasted the fruits of my lifes the capital on the giddiness of youth, I saw them to consist only of sins and mistakes. Crying out like Niyazi Misri, I said:

I had concluded no trade; the capital of life was all lost;

I came to the road to find the caravan had moved on, unaware. Lamenting, I continued down the road, all alone, a stranger;

My eyes weeping, my heart in anguish, my mind bewildered, unaware.

I was in exile at the time; I felt a despairing sorrow, a regretful penitence, a longing for assistance. Suddenly, the All-Wise Quran came to my aid. It opened a door of hope so powerful and afforded a light of consolation so true that it could have dispelled despair and darknesses a hundred times more intense than mine.

Yes, respected elderly men and women whose attachment to the world has begun to be  sundered and the ties binding them to be broken! Is it possible that the All- Glorious Maker who creates this world as a perfectly ordered city or palace would not speak with his most  important guests and friends or not meet with them? Since He knowingly made the palace and ordered and adorned it through His will and choice, certainly as one who makes knows, so one who knows will speak. Since He made this palace and city into a fine guesthouse and place of trade for us, He will surely have a book, a file, to explain His relations with us and what He desires from us.

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