The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The Twenty-Sixth Flash | 306

If all things are not all together attributed to that Pre-Eternal All-Powerful One, the One  Knowing of All  Things,  then as well as  having to  gather together  in a particular measure from most of the varieties of beings in the world the body of the tiniest thing like a fly, the particles which work in that tiny flys body will have to know the mysteries of the flys creation and its perfect art in all its minutest details. For as all the intelligent agree, natural causes and physical causes cannot create out of nothing. In which case, if they do create, they  will gather the being together. And since they will gather it together whatever animate  being it is, there are within it samples of most  of the  elements  and  most  of  the  varieties  of  beings,  for  living creatures are quite simply like a seed or essence of the universe it will of course be necessary for them to gather together a seed from the whole tree and an animate being from the whole face of the earth sifting them through a fine sieve and measuring them with the most sensitive balance. And since natural causes are ignorant and lifeless, and have no knowledge with which to determine a plan, index, model, or programme according to which they can smelt and pour the particles which enter the immaterial mould of the being in question, so they do not disperse and spoil its order, it is clear how far it is from possibility and reason to suppose that, without mould or measure, they can make the particles of the elements which flow like floods remain one on the other in the form of an orderly mass without dispersing, for everything has a single form and measure amid possibilities without calculation or count. For sure, everyone who does not suffer from blindness in his heart will see it. Yes, in consequence of this truth, according to the meaning of the verse,


Those on whom you call besides God cannot create [even] a fly, if they all met together for the purpose,(22:73)10


if all material causes were to gather together and if they possessed will, they could not gather  together  the  being  of  a  single  fly  and  its  systems  and  organs  with  their particular balance. And even if they could gather them together, they could not make them remain in the specified measure of the being. And even if they could make them remain thus, they could not make those minute particles, which are constantly being renewed and coming into existence  and working, work regularly and in order. In which case, self-evidently, causes cannot claim ownership of things. That is to say, their True Owner is someone else. Indeed, their True Owner is such that, according to the verse,



10 That is, Should all the things you call upon and worship other than God were to gather together, they could not create so much as a fly.

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