The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The Twenty-Sixth Flash | 316

Why does an artificial letter written in the form of a town by the hand of man, who is a  guest on the page of Vans plain, being wiped out by a calamitous torrent called  the  Russian  invasion  sadden  you  to  this  extent?  Consider  the  Pre-Eternal Inscriber,  everythings  True Owner  and  Sustainer,  for  His  missives  on  this  page continue to be written in glittering fashion, in the way you used to see. Your weeping over those desolate  ruins  arises from the error of forgetting their True Owner, not thinking that men are guests and imagining them to be owner.

A door to reality opened up from my error, from that searing sight, and my soul was prepared to accept the reality completely. Like iron is plunged in the fire so that it softens  and may be profited  from, that grievous sight and terrible state were fire which softened  my soul.  Through the reality of the  above  verses, the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition showed my soul the effulgence of the truths of belief, causing it to accept it.

Yes, all thanks be to God, as is proved conclusively in such parts of the Risale-I Nur as the Twentieth Letter, through the effulgence of belief in God, the truth of the verses   becomes  a  source  of  strength  for  the  spirit  and  heart  which  unfolds proportionately  to  the  firmness  of  each persons  belief.  This  was  so  powerful it afforded me the strength to confront calamities even a hundred times more dreadful than the situation I beheld. It uttered this reminder: Everything is subjected to the command of this countrys True Owner, your Creator. He holds the reins of all things. Your relation with Him should be sufficient.

On recognizing my Creator and relying on Him, all the things that had  appeared hostile gave up their enmity, and the grievous things that had made me weep started to make me happy. As we have demonstrated with certain proofs in many places in the  Risale-i  Nur,  through  the  light  proceeding  from  belief  in  the  hereafter,  that recognition and reliance  afforded such assistance in the face of my endless desires that  it  was sufficient  not only  for  my attachment  to  and  desire  for  insignificant, temporary, brief worldly friendships, but for my innumerable far-reaching desires in the world of permanence, for everlasting happiness through all eternity. For through one  manifestation  of  His  mercy,  the  All-Merciful  and  Compassionate  One  ever y spring lays  on  the  table  of that  season incalculable  numbers of  delightful,  artful bounties in order to please His guests of one or two hours. Then after providing them with these, which are  a sort of snack or  appetizer,  He prepares for His  servants innumerable varieties of bounties, and for an unending time fills eight permanent Paradises with them from among His everlasting dwelling-places. The person who relies on  the mercy of such an All-Merciful and Compassionate One through belief and knows his relation surely finds such a source of assistance that even its least degree provides for innumerable hopes reaching to eternity, and causes them to continue.

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