The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The Twenty-Eighth Flash | 366

In respect of his worship and on account of his being turned from creation to Creator,  the  person  of  Muhammad  (UWBP)  requires  blessings  which  have  the meaning of mercy. While in respect of his messengership and being the envoy sent from Creator to creation, he requires peace. He is worthy of peace to the number of jinn and men, and we offer a general renewal of our allegiance to their number.  So too he is worthy of blessings from the treasury of mercy to the number of the inhabitants of the heavens and in the name of all of them. For it was through the Light he brought that the perfections of all things became apparent, and the value of beings was made manifest, and the dominical duties of creatures could be observed, and the divine purposes in creatures were  made known. Therefore, if all things uttered verbally what they express through their  tongues  of disposition, it is certain that they would declare: Blessings and peace be upon you, O Messenger of God!, and we say in the name of all of them: Endless blessings and endless peace be upon you O Prophet of God, to the number of jinn and men, and of angels  and stars!

It is enough that Allah grants him blessings, And assigns him peace and benedictions.

S a i d   N u r s i


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My Dear Brother!

You want an explanation of the Unity of Existence. In one of the Flashes of the Thirty-First Letter there is a very powerful and elucidating answer to Muhyiddins ideas concerning this matter. For now we just say the following:

Teaching this question of the Unity of Existence to people at the present time causes  serious harm. Like when metaphors and similes pass from the hands of the learned to those of the common people and knowledge passes from scholars to the ignorant, they are thought to be literally true,1   so when elevated truths such as the Unity of Existence pass to the heedless and to the common people submerged in causes, they are thought to be Nature, and cause three significant instances of harm.

T h e  F i r s t : The way of the Unity of Existence is quite simply to deny the universe on account of Almighty God. Despite this, when it is adopted by the heedless common people  and enters their ideas which are tainted by materialist thought in particular,  it  leads  to   denial  of  the  Godhead  on  account  of  the  universe  and materiality.



1   Just like the two angels, called the Bull and the Fish in connection with certain metaphors, were supposed by the common people to be a vast bull and enormous fish.

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