The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The Twenty-Eighth Flash | 374

T h e  A n s w e r :

Firstly:  In  the  seven  Steps of  the  treatise  called  the  Fifteenth  Word,  the repulsion and ejection with stars of diabolical spies from the heavens, expressed by the verse,


And We have adorned the lowest heaven with lamps, and We have made them missiles to drive away the evil ones,


is proved so certainly with seven premises that it convinces the obdurate materialist, silencing him and forcing him to accept it.

Secondly: We shall allude to those three truths which are supposed to be far from the reason with a comparison that will bring them close to narrow minds.

For example, if a states Army Office is in the east of the country, its Ministry of Justice   in  the  west,  its  Education  Ministry  in  the  north,  its  Religious  Affairs Department in the south, and its Civil Service in the centre, and each department and ministry communicates and is connected with the others by means of radio, telephone, and telegraph in most regular and orderly fashion, the whole country will quite simply be its Army Office the same as it is its  Ministry of Justice, and will be its learned establishment as it is its Civil Service.

And for example, it sometimes happens that numerous countries and states whose capitals are different have sovereignty over a single country in different ways, through colonies, or concessions, or trade. Although the countrys subjects and nation are one, through its  concessions, each state has connections with them. The affairs of those states, which are distant from one another, touch on each other; they come close to each other in all the  houses of the country, and they share in each of its people. Its minor matters are seen in a  minor sphere in its points of contact. For each minor matter is not taken from the  universal  sphere. But when those minor  matters are discussed, they are mentioned as  though  they are taken from the universal sphere, since they are directly in accordance with the universal spheres laws; they are given the form of a matter discussed in that sphere.

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