The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The Thirtieth Flash | 403



With His names Sapient and All-Wise,  the All-Powerful Maker  has included thousands of well-ordered worlds in this world. Within those worlds, He created man as a centre and pivot who of all creatures manifests the wisdom and purposes in the universe. The most important of the instances of wisdom and beneficial things in the sphere of the universe look to man. And in the human sphere, He made sustenance a centre; in the human world  most of the instances of wisdom and benefits look to sustenance and are manifest through it. The manifestation of the name of All-Wise is apparent in brilliant form in man through his intelligence and the pleasure he receives from  sustenance.  Each  one  of  the  hundreds  of  sciences  discovered  by  human intelligence describes a manifestation of the name of Sapient in a realm of creation.

For  example,  if  the  science  of  medicine  were  to  be  asked:  What  is  the universe?”, it would be bound to reply: It is an exceedingly vast, orderly and perfect pharmacy. All remedies are prepared and stored up in it in the best way.

If the science of chemistry were asked: What is the earth?”, it would reply: It is a perfectly ordered chemists shop.

The science of engineering would reply: It is totally faultless, perfect factory.

The science of agriculture would reply: It is an infinitely productive, regular and well-laid-out field and garden which produces all kinds of seeds at the required time.

The   science  of  commerce  would   reply:  It  is  an  extremely  well-set-out exhibition, orderly market, and shop stocked with most artistic wares.

The  science  of  economics  would  reply:  It  is  an  exceedingly  well-arranged warehouse containing every sort and kind of food.

The science of dietetics would reply: It is a dominical kitchen and cauldron of the Most Merciful in which are cooked most regularly hundreds of thousands of the most delicious foods.

The science of soldiering would reply: The earth is a military camp. Although there are  four hundred thousand different nations in that army, newly taken under arms with their  tents pitched on the face of the earth, they are given their rations, uniforms, weapons,  training, and discharges, which are different for each nation, in perfect order, with no  confusion and none being forgotten, through the command, power, compassion of a single Commander-in-Chief, from His treasury; they are all administered in the most regular fashion.

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