The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The Thirtieth Flash | 444

Since there is present in every activity a perfection and pleasure which is thus loved and sought after, and activity too is a perfection; and since there are apparent in the world of  animate creatures the manifestations of a boundless love and infinite compassion which arise  from a perpetual and pre-eternal life; those manifestations show that as the requirement of that eternal Life which is fitting for the necessary existence of the One who thus loves and is compassionate and makes Himself loved, and is worthy of His holiness, there are if the terms are not mistaken at the utmost level such sacred qualities in that Most Pure and Holy Life  as  divine passion, hallowed love, and sheer pleasure. And it is these qualities  that  continuously renew,  agitate,  and  change  the universe through endless activity and infinite creativity.

The Second Branch of the wisdom in the limitless divine activity which looks to the mystery of Self-Subsistence: This looks to the divine names. It is well-known that everyone  who possesses beauty wants to both see and display his beauty; that everyone who possesses some skills desires and loves to attract attention to his skills by exhibiting  and  proclaiming  them;  he  desires  and  loves  his  skill,  which  is  a beautiful truth and meaning that has remained concealed, to be revealed and to find ardent admirers.

These fundamental rules are in force in all things according to the degree of each.

According to the testimony of the universe and the evidence of the manifestations and embroideries of the thousand and one most beautiful names of the All-Glorious Self- Subsistent One, who possesses absolute beauty, there are in every degree of each of those names a true loveliness, a true perfection, a true beauty and a most exquisite truth.  Indeed,  in  every degree  there  are  endless  different  sorts  of  loveliness  and innumerable beautiful truths.

Since the beings of the universe are mirrors reflecting the sacred beauties of those names and the tableaux displaying their beautiful embroideries and the pages setting forth  their   beautiful  truths,  those  constant  and  eternal  names  will  entirely  and unceasingly  renew   and  change  the  universe  through  their  manifestations  as  a consequence of that sacred divine love and due to the mystery of Self-Subsistence. In this  way  they  will  display  their  endless  manifestations  and  infinite,  meaningful embroideries  and  books  both  to  the  witnessing  gaze  of  the  All-Glorious  Self- Subsistent One, whom they signify, and to the studying gaze of uncountable numbers of intelligent creatures and creatures endowed with spirits, and will display countless tableaux out of a finite and limited thing and numerous  individuals out of a single individual and multiple truths out of a single truth.




The Third Branch of the wisdom in the constant and astonishing activity in the universe: Everyone who is compassionate is happy at giving pleasure to others; and everyone who is kind is gratified at making others happy; everyone who is loving is gladdened by pleasing others who are worthy of being pleased; and everyone who is noble-hearted takes pleasure at making others happy; everyone who is just rejoices at upholding justice and at winning the gratitude of those whose rights are vindicated by punishing the deserving; and every skilful craftsman takes pride in exhibiting his work, at its functioning as he hoped it would function, and at its giving the desired results.

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