The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The Thirtieth Flash | 449

Now consider the greatest manifestation of the name Sapient beyond the name Single: it incorporates in a fruitful order, wise regularity and purposeful harmony appropriate to each all the beings we observe through the two telescopes of the imagination,  from  stars  to particles,  whether universal or particular,  from the greatest sphere to the most minute. It adorns and gilds all beings.

Then look beyond the greatest manifestation of the name Sapient: in regard to its aspect that was examined in the Second Point, through the greatest manifestation of the name All-Just, the universe with all its beings is administered with such balance, equilibrium and  measure within unceasing activity, that if just one of the heavenly bodies were to lose its balance even for a second, that is, if it were to break free of the manifestation of the name All-Just, it would cause chaos among the stars; it would be like Doomsday.

Thus, all beings and all the different realms of beings from the army of the stars

to the army of minute particles, that is, from the largest sphere that is the vast belt known as  the Milky Way to the sphere of the motion of red and white corpuscles, stand shoulder to shoulder in a manner gauged with the finest balance and measure, so demonstrating  that  all  those  beings  are  obedient  and  totally  subjugated  to  the commands proceeding from the command of Be! and it is.

Now look beyond the greatest manifestation of the Name All-Just to the greatest manifestation of the name Most Holy, which was explained in the First Point: the fact that it renders all the beings in the universe so pure, clean, clear, beautiful, adorned and shining demonstrates that it has bestowed on the universe and on all beings the form  of  beautiful  mirrors  worthy  of  reflecting  the  utter  essential  beauty  of  the Absolutely Beautiful One and the sheer loveliness of His most beautiful names.

In Short: These six names and six lights of the greatest name have enwrapped the universe and all beings in ever-differing, multifarious colours, embroideries and adornment.


S e c o n d  M a t t e r  o f   t h e  F i f t h  R a y


Just as the manifestation of Self-Subsistence in the universe is at the level of unity  and  glory,  so  in man, who  is the  centre,  pivot,  and  conscious fruit of the universe, it is at the level of oneness and beauty. That is to say, just as the universe subsists through the mystery of Self-Subsistence, so it in one respect subsists through man, who is the most complete place of manifestation of the name of Self-Subsistent. For since most of the wisdom,  aims, purposes, and benefits in the universe look to man, the manifestation of  Self-Subsistence in him is as though a  support for the universe. It may be said that the Ever-Living and Self-Subsistent One willed man to be in the universe and created it for him. For with the comprehensiveness of his nature, man can understand and take pleasure in all the divine names. He can understand many of names through the  pleasure  to  be found in sustenance  in particular. Whereas the angels cannot know them through that pleasure.

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