The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The Thirtieth Flash | 453

Indeed, man is hostile to what is unfamiliar to him, just as he quite simply wishes to be  hostile to and find fault in things he cannot obtain or possess. Since, as the whole universe testifies, the True Beloved and Absolutely Beautiful One causes man to love Himself through His most beautiful names, which are altogether exquisite, and desires man to love Him, then most certainly He would not endow man who is both His beloved and His lover with an  innate enmity and cause him to be vexed with Himself from afar; He would not endow  mans spirit with a hidden enmity, which would be altogether contrary to mans nature, who is by his nature the most lovable and loving creature and the most exceptional that He has created for worship. For man would only be able to cure the deep wounds caused by eternal  separation from an Absolute Beauty that he loves and whose value he appreciates by enmity towards it, being vexed with it, and denying it.

It is from this point that the unbelievers enmity towards God Almighty arises. In which case, the Pre-Eternal Beauty will surely make manifest in man a perpetual life in a permanent realm in order to be present together with him who is an enraptured mirror to Himself on the journey to post-eternity.

Since man has been created in such a way that by his very nature he longs for and loves  an  Ever-Enduring  Beauty;  and  since  an  Ever-Enduring  Beauty  cannot  be content with an impermanent lover; and since, in order to find consolation from the pain and sorrow arising  from some aim that he does not know or cannot attain or possess, man pacifies himself through discovering the faults of such an aim, rather, through nurturing a hidden enmity towards it; and since the universe was created for man,  and  man was  created  to  know  and  love  God;  and since the Creator of the universe,  together  with His  names,  is eternal;  and  since the  manifestation of His names will be perpetual, everlasting, and post-eternal; then man will most certainly go to an everlasting realm and will manifest an everlasting life.

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