Letters ( revised ) | THE TWENTY-FOURTH LETTER | 338

Second Station



[The Second Station consists of an Introduction  and five Indications. The Introduction contains two Topics.]



F i r s t  T o p i c : In each of the following five Indications is a comparison, written  in  the  form  of  a  dull,  short-ranged  telescope  with  which  to  observe  the attributes  of  dominicality.  The  comparisons  cannot  contain  the  realit y  of  those attributes;  they cannot encompass them and be the measure of them, but they can assist in looking at them. Any phrases or expressions in the comparisons,  or in the previous Signs, unfitting for the attributes of the Most Pure and Holy Essence are the fault of the comparisons.

For example, the meanings of pleasure, joy, and gratification known by us cannot express the sacred attributes; each rather indicates an observatory and is an aid to reflective thought. Also, by showing in a small example the tip of an encompassing, mighty law of dominicality, each proves the reality of the law present in the attributes of dominicality. For example, it is said that a flower departs from existence leaving thousands of existences behind it. This demonstrates  a mighty law of dominicality that is in force in all the beings of spring, indeed, of all the world.

Yes, through whichever law the All-Compassionate Creator changes and renews the feathered dress of a bird, through the same law that All-Wise Maker renews the dress of the globe of the earth every year. Through the same law, He transforms the shape of the world every century. And through the same law, He will change the form of the universe at the resurrection of the dead.

Through whichever  law He impels particles like Mevlevi dervishes, He makes the earth spin through the same law, like an ecstatic  Mevlevi dervish rising up to dance the sama‘. And through that law, He causes worlds to revolve, and the solar system to travel through space.

Through whichever law He renews, repairs, and dissolves the particles in your body’s cells, through the same law He renews your garden every year, making it anew many times every season. And through the same law, He renews the face of the earth every spring, drawing a fresh veil over its face.

Through whichever law that All-Powerful Maker raises a fly to life, through the same law He restores to life the plane-tree opposite your window every spring; and through that law, He raises the globe of the earth to life in the spring; and through the same law He will raise creatures to life at the resurrection.

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