Letters ( revised ) | THE TWENTY-FOURTH LETTER | 339
The Qur’an alludes to this with the verse,

Your creation and your resurrection is but as a single soul.(31:28) And so on; you can make further examples in the same way.

There are many laws of dominicality like these which are in force from particles to the totality of the world. Consider the immensity of these laws within dominical activity; note carefully their breadth and see the meaning of unity within them. Understand that each law is a proof of divine unity. Yes, since all these numerous and immense laws are the manifestations of knowledge and will, and since they are both the same and all-encompassing, they offer certain proof for the Maker’s unity, knowledge, and will.

Thus, most of the comparisons in the Words show through small examples the tips of laws like these, and by doing so, point to the existence of the same law in the matter claimed. Since the existence of the law is demonstrated through a comparison, it proves the assertion as categorically as a logical proof. That is to say, most of the comparisons in the Words should be considered categorical proofs and certain arguments.

S e c o n d  T o p i c :  As is described in the Tenth Truth of the Tenth Word, however many flowers and fruits there are on a tree, each of them has aims, purposes, and instances of wisdom to that number. These instances of wisdom are of three sorts:

One sort looks to the Maker and displays the embroideries of His names.

Another sort looks to intelligent and conscious beings, and in their view, things are valuable missives and meaningful words.

Another sort looks to the being itself and to its own life and perpetuation; and if beneficial for man, it contains instances of wisdom accordingly.

At one time, while contemplating how all beings have such numerous aims, the following phrases occurred to me in Arabic, which, like notes forming the basis of the following Indications, allude to those universal aims:


These  glorious  beings  are  flowing  places  of  manifestation  and  roving mirrors for the renewal of the manifestations of the lights of His creativity – Glory be unto Him! – through the changing of their relative determinations,

* Firstly, and by preserving their beautiful meanings and their identities in the World of Similitudes; * Secondly, and producing truths pertaining to the World of the Unseen and the weavings of the Preserved Tablet;


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