Letters ( revised ) | THE TWENTY-FOURTH LETTER | 340

* Thirdly, and spreading the fruits of the hereafter and publishing everlasting panoramas; * Fourthly, and proclaiming dominical glorifications  and  making  known  what  the  divine  names  necessitate;  * Fifthly,  so  that  the divine attributes  become  apparent  and the aspects  of divine knowledge.


These five sections comprise the bases of the Indications we shall discuss below. Yes, all beings, and particularly living beings, possess on five levels different aims and instances of wisdom and purposes. Like a tree produces fruit on branches one over the other, so all living beings have five different levels of aims and purposes.

O ephemeral man! If you want your own tiny seed-like reality to be transformed into an eternal fruit-bearing tree, and to obtain the ten levels of fruits and ten sorts of aims pointed out in the five Indications, acquire true faith. Otherwise, in addition to being deprived of all of them, you will be squeezed into that seed and you will rot!




Firstly: through the changing of their relative determinations, and by preserving their beautiful meanings and their identities in the World of Similitudes.

This section expresses the following: although a being apparently disappears into non-existence after departing from [external] existence, the meanings it has expressed are  preserved  and  perpetuated.  Its  identity,  form,  and  essential  nature  also  are preserved in the World of Similitudes, on the Preserved Tablets, which are samples of the  World  of Similitudes,  and  in memories,  which  are  samples  of  the  Preserved Tablets. That is, the being loses its visible existence and gains hundreds of immaterial existences and existences in knowledge.

For example, in order to print a page in a printing-press,  the type is set up and arranged. Then after the page has bequeathed its form and identity on many pages when  printed   and  after  it  has  proclaimed   its  meanings   to  many  minds,   the arrangement of the type is changed. For no need remains for it and other pages have to be printed.

In exactly the same way, the pen of divine determining sets up and arranges the beings of the earth, especially plants. Divine power creates them on the page of the springtime. Then in order for them to express their beautiful meanings and for their forms and identities to pass to the ledgers of the World of the Unseen, for instance the World of Similitudes, divine wisdom requires that the arrangement  be changed. In this way, the page of another, future spring may be written and its beings express their meanings too.

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