Letters ( revised ) | THE TWENTY-FOURTH LETTER | 341



Secondly, and producing truths pertaining to the World of the Unseen and the weavings of the Preserved Tablet.

This section shows that before departing from existence, everything, whether particular or universal, and especially living beings, produces many truths pertaining to the Unseen. So too they leave behind them on the tablets and notebooks of the World  of Similitudes  forms  to  the number  of the  stages  of their  lives.  Their  life histories  and  those  of  their  forms  that  are  meaningful  are  inscribed  and  become objects of study for spirit beings.

For example, a flower passes from existence, but together with leaving behind its essential nature in its hundreds of seeds, it leaves thousands of its forms on small Preserved Tablets and in memories, which are small samples of the Preserved Tablets. And  throughout  the  stages  of  its  life  it  causes  conscious  beings  to  study  the embroideries of the divine names and the dominical glorifications it expresses; then it departs.

Similarly, the springtime is a flower adorned with finely wrought beings in the flower-pot of the face of the earth; it apparently dies and departs for non-existence, but in its place it leaves behind in existence the truths pertaining to the Unseen it has expressed to the number of its seeds, and identities in the World of Similitudes it has published to the number of its flowers, and the instances of dominical wisdom it has displayed to the number of its beings; only then is it hidden from us. Moreover, it makes room for its friends, other springs, to come and perform their duties. That is to say, the spring is divested of an external existence, and in meaning is clothed  in a thousand existences.




Thirdly, and spreading the fruits of the hereafter and publishing everlasting panoramas.

This section states that the world is a workbench and an arable field raising crops suitable for the market of the hereafter. We have proved in many of the Words that just as jinn and men send their actions to the market of the hereafter, so too the other beings in the world perform numerous duties on account of the hereafter and produce many crops for it. It may even be said that the earth travels for them, or even that this is its purpose. This dominical ship traverses a twenty-four thousand year distance in one year, circumscribing the field of the resurrection.


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