Letters ( revised ) | THE TWENTY-FOURTH LETTER | 342

For example, the people of Paradise will surely wish to recall their adventures in this world and recount them to one another. They will be exceedingly curious to see the images and pictures of those adventures, and they will enjoy it immensely if they can watch them like watching a cinema screen. Consequently, as the verse,


[Joyfully] facing each other on thrones [of dignity] (15:47; 37:44)


indicates,  in Paradise,  the realm of delight  and happiness,  worldly adventures  and scenes of worldly happenings will be recalled, amid everlasting panoramas.

Thus,   the   beautiful   beings   of  this  world   appearing   for   a  moment   then disappearing,  and  following  on  one  after  the  other  in  succession,  appear  to  be factories and workshops manufacturing the vistas of eternity. For example, in order to give fleeting situations a permanence and leave souvenirs for the people of the future, the people of present-day civilization record the images of beautiful or strange happenings and present them as gifts to the future by means of the cinema screen; they show the past in the present and the future, and include it in them.

In just the same way, the All-Wise Maker of the beings of spring and this world records the aims of their  brief lives,  which look to the World of Eternity,  in that world. He records in everlasting scenes in the Eternal Realm the vital duties and the divine miracles they have performed throughout the stages of their lives, as required by His names of All-Wise, All-Compassionate, and Loving.




Fourthly, and proclaiming dominical glorifications and making known the requirements of the divine names.

This section states that throughout the stages of their lives, beings perform numerous varieties of dominical glorifications.  They also display various situations that the divine names necessitate and require. For example, the name of All- Compassionate desires to be compassionate. The name of Provider necessitates the giving of sustenance. The name of Gracious requires the granting of favours. And so on; all the divine names require and necessitate something. Thus, in addition to demonstrating the requirements of the names through their lives and existences, all living  beings  glorify  the  All-Wise  Maker  to  the  number  of  their  members  and faculties.

For example, a man eats delicious fruits which are then dissolved in his stomach and apparently destroyed, but they both produce a pleasure and eagerness arising from activity in all the cells of his body as well as his mouth and stomach, and comprise very many instances of wisdom like nurturing his life and every part of his body and causing his life to continue. And the food itself rises from vegetable existence to the level of human life; it progresses.

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