The Guide For The Youth | THE POINT ON THE AIR | 91

THERE IS NO ALLAH BUT HE, and: SAY, HE IS ALLAH, THE ONE, and travels among air-clashing waves like storms and lightening and thunder without in any way spoiling their order or confusing their duties. And one duty is not an obstacle to another duty. I observed this and was utterly certain.

That is to say, either every particle and piece of the air has to possess infinite wisdom, knowledge, will, and power, and the qualities for being absolutely dominant over all the other particles so that it can be the means of those functions being carried out, which is absurd and impossible to the number of particles, and no devil even could imagine it, or el-se, and it is self-evident to the degree of ’certainty at the degree of knowledge’, ’certainty at the degree of witnessing’, and ’absolute certainty’ that the page of the air functions through the boundless, infinite knowledge and wisdom of the All-Glorious One, and is the changing page for the pen of Divine Power and Determining, and like a signboard for writing and erasing, known as a Tablet of Appearance and Dissolution, which has the function of the Preserved Tablet in the world of transformation and change.

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