The Guide For The Youth | THE POINT ON THE AIR | 92

Thus, just as the element of air demonstrates the above-mentioned wonders and manifestation of Divine Unity in only the duty of transmitting sound and shows the impossibilities of misguidance, so also does it perform other important duties like transmitting subtle forces and energy, like electricity, light, and the forces of attraction and repulsion with order and without confusing them. And at the same time as conveying these, with perfect order, it carries out duties essential for the lives of all plants and animals, such as respiration and pollination. It proves in decisive fashion that it is a place of maximum manifestation of the Divine Will and Command. I came to the firm conclusion that it proves that in no way is there any possibility of vagrant chance, blind force, deaf nature, confused, aimless causes, and powerless, lifeless, unknowing matter interfering in the writing and duties of the page of the air. And I understood that every particle and part of it says with the tongue of its being:


SAY, HE IS ALLAH, THE ONE, and: THERE IS NO GOD BUT HE. And just as with the key of I saw these wonders in the material aspect of the air, so also, as a , did the element of air

No Voice