The Guide For The Youth | THE POINT ON THE AIR | 93
become a key to the World of Similitudes and the World of Meaning.

I saw that the World of Similitudes is all the time taking innumerable photographs without con-fusing them, and that each photograph contains innumerable events occurring in this world. I understood that it was a gigantic camera, and a vast cinema of the Hereafter thousands of times larger than the world for showing the fruits of the transitory and impermanent states and lives of ephemeral beings in eternal theaters, for showing to those enjoying everlasting bliss in Paradise scenes from their old memories and adventures in this world*. While the faculties of memory and imagination, which are two proofs, two small examples, and two points of both the Preserved Tablet and the World of Similitudes situated in man’s head, are as tiny as lentils, within them are written in perfect order and without being mixed up as much information as contained in a large library. This proves decisively that the great and large examples of those faculties are the World of Similitudes and the Preserved Tablet.

* Since the time and place and conditions do not allow this to be proved with firm proofs and arguments like clear facts, it is cut short here.
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