The Guide For The Youth | The Second Station of the 17th Word * | 131

Now, to return to our subject, the results in this world of your love for delicious foods and luscious fruits will be that they are a pain free bounty and a pleasure that is the essence of gratitude.

Your love of your instinctual soul. The result will be pity it, to train it, and to prevent harmful desires. Then the soul will not ride you, it will not make you a prisoner of its desires, rather, you will ride it. You will drive your soul, not to whims and fancies, but to right guidance.

Your love for your wife. Since it will be built on her being a mine of tenderness,a gift of compassion and on her fineness of character, if you have sincere love and affection for her, she, too, will have earnest love and respect for you. As the two of you approach old age these sentiments will increase, you will pass your life happily. But if it is otherwise, if it is love of a pretty face and for the sake of the instinctual soul, then that love will be quickly destroyed and so too will be good relations.

Your love for your father and mother. Since it will be for Allah Almighty’s sake, it will be both worship and the older they grow the more your love and respect for them will increase. If you earnestly desire and pray, with the noblest of sentiments and most manly zeal, that they will live far into old age, and even kiss their hands with sincere respect and say,

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