The Guide For The Youth | The Second Station of the 17th Word * | 134

Your love for beautiful things. Since it is for the sake of the One Who fashioned them, it will be in the manner of, "How beautifully they have been made". This love is pleasurable thought and it causes the gaze of beauty worshipping delight to see the more elevated and holy and thousand times more beautiful treasures of the degrees of Allah’s beauty. This love opens up a way to these treasures because it transfers the eye from those beautiful works to the beauty of the divine actions. And it opens a way from them to the beauty of the Names, and from them to the beauty of the attributes, and from them to the One of Glory’s peerless beauty; it opens a way to the heart. Thus, if this love is in this form, it is both pleasurable, and it is worship, and it is thought.

Your love of youth. Since you have loved it as a beautiful bounty of Allah Almighty, you have, of course, done so in worship, you have not drowned it in dissipation and destroyed it. Since this is the case, the worship you have gained during your youth is the undying fruit of that transient state. As you grow older, because you will have obtained the enduring fruits that are the positive aspect of youth, you will have been saved from its harm and excesses. Also, in old age you will see that you have achieved success in performing more worship, and so will be more worthy to receive divine mercy.

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