The Guide For The Youth | The Second Station of the 17th Word * | 133

And the pleasure of meeting will be permanent. If it is not for the sake of Allah, the pleasure of one day’s meeting will result in the pain of a hundred days’ separation.* Your love for the prophets and saints. Since the intermediate realm, which seems to the people of neglect to be a dark, lonely and desolate place, appears to you as a stopping place illuminated by the presence of those luminous beings, the fact that you will go there will not induce terror and fright, but, on the contrary, an inclination towards it and a feeling of longing; it will not drive away the pleasure of worldly life.

But if it is otherwise, if love for the prophets and saints is of the same sort as the love of the subscribers to modern culture for their idols and heroes, on thinking of the death and disappearance of those perfect human beings and of their rotting in that mighty grave known as the past, it will add one more sorrow to lives that are already painful. That is to say, each will say to himself, "I, too, will end up in the grave, which rots even such perfect men".

Whereas, when they are seen from the first point of view, they are thought of with complete ease of mind, for they have discarded the clothes of their bodies in the past and now their dwelling place is the intermediate realm, which is the waiting-room for the future. And the graveyard will be seen as having a familiarity and friendliness.

* One second’s meeting for Allah’s sake is a year. Whereas, if it is for the sake of this world, a year is a second.
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