The Guide For The Youth | The Twenty-Third Word | 210

“The following is a Lecture prepared by our brother Zübeyir Gündüzalp who stated his opinions about the Treatises of Light (Risale-i Nur) on behalf of the Students of Light in Konya and delivered to the young students in the University of Ankara in 1947.”


This lecture which has been written with the spiritual support of our beloved and precious Teacher Bediuzzaman and with the influence of the lessons from the Treatises of Light, is a sweet pleasant conversation regarding the Treatises of Light. I am not capable of explaining the value of the Treatises of Light, And I dare not. Please do not suppose that I can do this. Because I am an ignorant and the most novice reader of the Treatises. My cultural background is not sufficient to describe the value of such a masterpiece which acquired such a fame amongst the Nations. I have to admit this.

The great honor belongs to the intellectual, scholarly, virtuous readers of the Treatises of Light who are intelligent and appreciative.

Yes, I had not read any single article in the Press and in our Books that was explaining the value of the HOLY QURAN until the moment I met the Treatises of Light.

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