The Guide For The Youth | The Twenty-Third Word | 211

Later I understood that the foreign great men admired the Holy Quran more than the intellectuals rising in our country over the last fifty years. The Noble Quran the Sun of the entire World has been placed at the high position which it deserves inside the green silk fabrics in the White House in America.

Inventors, philosopher, doctors, lawyers, psychologists have been studying and making use of the books written on the principles of the Noble Quran. These important persons have been acquiring international fame thanks to the informations they extract from this Holy Book.

Sweden, Norway and Finland have organized a special Board of Scholars that has searched for a Great Book to save their youth. Finally they decided that the HOLY QURAN must be studied by all in order to make the Youth to gain best moral qualities and become broad-minded intellectuals.

There have been many Foreigners who admired Islam and the Quran. Since Non-Muslims admire and make use of the Holy Book of Islam, the smart Muslim Youth cannot hesitate and be negligent any longer.

Our Glorious Lord has responded to the most sacred and most sincere desire of the Youth also in the Twentieth Century.

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