The Guide For The Youth | The Twenty-Third Word | 213

And afterwards we began to study the masterpieces interpreted from the QURAN into our Language. Just like the young generation do not know the true value of the great works of our Great Men such as MAWLANA JALALUDDIN, YUNUS EMRE and EVLIYA CELEBI, the youth do not know much about BEDIUZZAMAN.

However those who happened to learn the existence of such a Precious Person have immediately perceived His high value, and desired strongly to benefit from Him. Inshaallah (Allah willing) many millions of people in Turkey and in the whole World will benefit from the works of this Great Man.

This estimate and wish has been much more reinforced by the power, strength and innovation inside the Treatises of Light.

Yes, the books which can make the contemporary human beings happy are solely the Treatises of Light. This is certain belief of those who read and study the Treatises of Light, not only the words of some Lazy student like me.

Just like that those who embrace the Holy Quran will have happiness in both the World and the Hereafter, those who study and practice the Risale-i Nur (Treatises of Light) which are illuminating and high commentaries of the Quran, will attain the True Happiness. The youth who will study them will have a bright future, they will become intellectual and cultural persons. We believe unshakably that our morality will be elevated as long as we study them...

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