The Guide For The Youth | The Twenty-Third Word | 216
roads of Misguidance. You can read the Treatises of Light continuously with the unhurried behaviour and by learning the meanings of the theological words in them. Some kind of cheerfulness and a strong zeal will be aroused in you like those who work hard night and day.

If you are taking a little slowly, remember that you are under the influence of your carnal mind. Then you must increase the level of your activity immediately. Because the youth is going to end. It is our strong determination not to waist even five minutes in the way to study such books whose values are not measurable.

The fortunate people who study the Risale-i Nur are definitely not concerned with personal material benefits. Because their goals are to obtain the Divine Consent. Thanks Allah, now these are millions of our beloved friends who have perceived that studying and working for the Risale-i Nur is the service for our Holy Book. No one can deny this fact which is clearly apparent for those who have sound minds. There are even some students who do not complete their night-sleeps for the sake of Risale-i Nur Studies which are for sake of Allah.

There are even such true students of THE LIGHT who are at the service of the Treatises of Light: If he is offered the wealth of American Billionaire Ford for copying and publishing some other books instead of Risale-i Nur (Treatises of Light), he will reply as follows even without lifting his pen from the lines of Risale-i Nur :

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