The Guide For The Youth | The Twenty-Third Word | 215

You will begin to enjoy so much to enter the presence of our Great Allah during prayers that your days without prayers will become full of distress and suffering. You will feel most joyful, most pleasing and happiest moments of your life during prayers. In fact you all know too that those who perform this sacred duty properly will have joy and happiness in the World and in the Hereafter and they actually do.

When you will be engaged in the service of the Treatises of Light (Risale-i Nur), if they invite you to the Paradise while living on Earth, you would not want to go to Paradise yet leaving that service, such a great honor like to serve the Holy Qur’an, by realizing that such a sacred duty and such a high happiness are available right now in this world.

When we say that the world can be considered as a virtual paradise from the point of view of Faith, some may reply: what pleasure have we had till this day in this world life and how in the future can we lead a life of pleasure?

In fact the Treatises of Light have proven with their strong logical proofs and definitive evidences that this World is like a spiritual paradise for the people of Faith and it is like a spiritual Hell for the people of Misguidance.

Risale-i Nur (Treatises of Light) have been authored with the Divine Favor, not written by the author’s own choice, in order to save the Muslims of the 20th Century and all Human Beings from the deep Darkness of Materialist Opinions and terrible

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