The Guide For The Youth | The Twenty-Third Word | 219
it is not an exaggeration to spend some sleepless nights for the sake of reading the works of Bediuzzaman. If one spends five Dollars for the book of a World–famous author, one can spend a whole wealth for such a sacred work like Risale-i Nur which deserve the greatest fames and highest ranks in both Worlds, and one should.

If our devotion to Truthful Books is graded as ten, our connection to a MIRACLE OF THE QUR’AN like RISALE-I NUR which guide us in this World and in the Hereafter, must be infinitely strong.

Therefore, Brothers, Let us embrace them, to get illuminated by their Lights. Let us turn our faces and eyes at the Library of Risale-i Nur which are the spiritual miracles of the HOLY QUR’AN. Let us make them the source of Point of View. And let us repeat the sacred words of the Holy Qur’an with all our Power and Strength.

The Risale-i Nur which are Genuine Interpretation of the Holy Quran, are our Souls, Our Hearts, and our Lives. We accept them as the Goal of our Lives and the Capital of our Life-times.

Yes, my Brothers, the features inside the Risale-i Nur, are not existing in any book composed until now. You can ask me how I know this? Some genuine scholars who dedicated their lives to reading hundreds of volumes have announced this Truth after reading the Treatises of Light. And these people have come to the conclusion that these contemporary humans however great knowledge they might have, they are in need of studying the Treatises of Light.

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