The Guide For The Youth | The Twenty-Third Word | 222

This fluent and attractive style stirs up the ardour of reading regularly. Then this ardour turns into desire to read the Collection of the Light completely as soon as possible due to the enjoyment given by the sweet and different style of this unmatched original work.

The Holy Quran has a spiritual effect on its readers even if they don’t understand the meanings. The Risale-i Nur has also spiritual influence for it is a spiritual miracle of the Holy Quran, even if you cannot understand some of the Arabic words in it.

Yes, an appreciative intellectual who reads a little bit from the Risale-i Nur, arrives at the opinion that Risale-i Nur is a masterpiece. Risale-i Nur has such an unmatched explanatory style that just like all, learned-scholarly people understand its truths, all readers and listeners - even if they are uneducated - can understand and relate its truths too.

Risale-i Nur is the treasure of epigrams and aphorisms. If we can learn by heart some of the aphorism and sentences in the Risale-i Nur, we will notice that they will come out of our hearts and tongues like precious stones and jewellery.

Bediuzzaman is giving a goodnews at the last section of the Treatise of Sincerety. We believe no other author has been granted to give the goodnews of such a wonderful facility. Our Great master says in that Treatise :

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