The Guide For The Youth | The Twenty-Third Word | 225

“Is the Risale-i Nur a two-volume collection ?” I said “No, it is a rich collection of many books.” He asked again: “All of them written in new Turkish (Latin) Script?” I said “These volumes you see are printed in Latin Script”.

My friend thought for a moment and he said in a way which resembles a Great Man who makes fast and correct decision vigilantly: “I cannot deprive myself of reading the Ottoman Script volumes of such a precious Collection. I must start to study the Old (Ottoman) Script.” (*) (* : due to the Despotic Rule in Turkey and Pressures over Religious Activities between 1926 and 1950, the books of the Collection of Light were multiplied by hand copying the original Ottoman Manuscript by thousands of students of Light.)

We want to perform the Greatest Service for all the humanity through Knowledge and Moral Perfection. And Inshaallah we shall do so...

It was all along my habit to make decent and honest friends. When I met a potential friend, I chose him as a friend candidate. I was thinking that it was necessary to test him at least for a year or two to have a genuine and eternal friendship.

Now when I meet a new friend, and when they mention him as a Loyal and True Student of the Risale-i Nur, I am getting connected to him with all my sincerity...

The marvellous power in the Treatises of Light turn the Lazy to the Dynamic, those who like the contemptible and dirty enjoyments into those who enjoy the chaste and decent pleasures.

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