The Guide For The Youth | The Twenty-Third Word | 226

It gives an aversion for inauspicious and unclean pleasures, makes easy to abandon them. Besides it is giving the cleanest, genuine and everlasting pleasures. It is saving the people from pessimism and instilling in them a fortune and happiness with belief. It is granting the enthusiasm and desire to become the most advanced and a great human being not a mediocre one. It is healing the unlikable deeds like pride, arrogance and haughtiness. It is giving value to people with virtues like dignity and modesty. It is reconciling the enemies and the vindictives. It is teaching that evil deeds should not be responded with evil deeds, on the contrary with good deeds and patience and endurance.

It is protecting the Young men like you who are gentle and good-tempered chaste, well-mannered, clean, cute and precious from the corrupt circle of friends, and the evil setting and bad habits of the society.

Therefore, a Loyal True Student of the Risale-i Nur does not damage his good morals even if he stays amongst millions of immoral people. On the contrary he goes into a struggle against his carnal soul in order to improve his morals further. He becomes victorious with the help of the knowledge he learned from the Risale-i Nur, and the determination and spiritual power he received from the Risale-i Nur.

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