The Guide For The Youth | The Twenty-Third Word | 224

I hope this from my heart. Even now you realize that a spiritual force within you is driving you to study.

Please decide to learn the Ottoman (Old Turkish) Language and Script to increase your benefit from these books. We have to educate

ourselves and we determined to do so. We shall, Allah-willing develop ourselves by studying continuously, diligently and resolutely.

Turkish Muslim Youth cannot and will not wait any longer without benefiting from the Risale-i Nur when they see and hear the extraordinary favours on us. They will fill their minds with Knowledge and hearts with Light (of Belief) and they actually do.

Thus we have been trying to become true servants of our Great Allah and Muslim Turkish Youth as examples for the World Youth.

We have great and various benefits in hand copying the Risale-i Nur books. Ottoman Script can be learned in a very short time period.. (Tr. Note : Ottoman Script is Turkish Language written with Arabic Letters).

You are learning strongly when writing by hand and also copying the Risale-i Nur being a service for the Holy Quran, you will be granted blessings of many pages when writing one page. The information and knowledge acquired by hand writing settle in the memory more solidly.

A friend of ours who appreciated the value of the Risale-i Nur asked:

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