The Guide For The Youth | The Twenty-Third Word | 221

Nation-lovers are reading the Risale-i Nur. The scholars of Art and Scientists are reading the Risale-i Nur. The Sufis are reading the Risale-i Nur. The fans of Literature, too, are reading the Treatises of Light (Risale-i Nur). Their capacity of oratory and poetry has been increasing ten-folds after studying the Risale-i Nur. Thus every segment of human society feel the great need in their souls for the Risale-i Nur.

Those who study the Risale-i Nur (Treatises of Light) certainly come out victorious from the scholarly discussions and debates, and they express the Truth with ultimate clarity. The judges who study the Risale-i Nur with full acceptance do not decree wrongfully.

The source and the foundation of the true civilization and high social principles and humanitarian laws is the QURAN.

You will find what you were looking for inside the Risale-i Nur which are genuine and blessed commentaries and interpretations of the HOLY QURAN, and you will become eager to read them again and again with feelings of admiration.

There is a great benefit in studying the Risale-i Nur completely before starting a University Degree. Otherwise it is strongly probable to fall into terrible disasters.

The style of the Risale-i Nur is unique all by itself and is not comparable to any other style.

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