The Guide For The Youth | The Twenty-Third Word | 220

The Learned, the virtuous and the intellectuals who are afraid of becoming addicted to diseases such as vanity, haughtiness and selfishness have been embracing the Risale-i Nur immediately. Some of them have been trying to become students for The Light even if they are 60 – 70 years old.

The author of the Risale-i Nur mentioned one of the most important features of his works as follows:

“Any book will be read and will give some information. But the Risale-i Nur will give a spiritual pleasant lesson to the intellect and the heart and the soul as well.”

This feature of the Risale-i Nur can be observed on the readers visually. The Turkish Muslim Youth want to become scientists and scholars with belief and enlightenment, not with dark thoughts. The university students at the departments of Law, Medicine and Science can achieve to obtain the essential truths of various social, scientific and spiritual branches of knowledge through the Risale-i Nur.

Those who want to learn the facts of the Religion are reading the Risale-I Nur. Those who are searching the Truth are reading the Risale-i Nur. Those with the nature of struggling and striving are reading the Risale-i Nur. Those who want to reach the summit of heroism and bravery are reading the Risale-i Nur.

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