The Guide For The Youth | The Twenty-Third Word | 230

Representing the spiritual Light of Guidance of the Eternal Sun, the HOLY QURAN ensures to see the TRUTH and the Reality with the eyes of the mind and the heart. Those who are distant from its Light will stay in the darkness of unbelief. Because all can be visible and comprehensible by that Light.

The spiritual personality of the Risale-i Nur (Treatises of Light) which are called in this century by the name of THE LIGHT has become the object of manifestation of the Light of the Holy QURAN which is the spiritual and eternal Sun of this Universe.

These Lights have been illuminating the Straight Path like Search Lights for those people who are bat like unwilling to leave the darkness, and those who turn their daytimes into night due to their sleeps of oblivion, those who fell into dissoluteness and dissipation, those who believe only in what they can see, those who get blind since they live in darkness and those who are bewildered on their path, and those who are yet not completely blind.

Striking the mace of Light on the heads of the deniers and unbelievers the Risale-i Nur says :

“Either throw your mind off your head, become an animal. Or come to your senses, become a true human.”

Since Knowledge is a Light, we point out a few evidences that show the Risale-i Nur Collection has a profound comprehension of the Sciences :

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