The Guide For The Youth | The Twenty-Third Word | 233

Seventhly : Risale-i Nur Collection has comprehended all the Sciences in essence. It is a veritable embroidered fabric woven with the yarns of Science.

It is a collection of aphorism and epigrams which had not been stated by any Scholar until today and these make evident that it has got the essential principles of every branch of Science.

We shall mention just a few of them here below and we recommend those would like to have an idea about the entire collection to dive into the Ocean of the Risale-i Nur :

1.. The One who created the eyes of the mosquito is the One who also created the Sun.

2.. The One who arranged the stomach of the flea is the One who also arranged the Solar System.

3.. To create a Particle or an Atom requires an infinite Power which can create the entire Universe. Because, each letter of the great book of this Universe, especially the animate one, has a face and eye looking at each and every sentence (a relationship with all creatures in the Universe) in this book.

4.. Nature resembles a printing-press, not the printer. It is an embroidery, not the Embroiderer. It is passive, not active. It is a pattern, not a source. It is an order, and not the Orderer. It is a Law, not a Power. It is a code of Laws proceeding from a will, not an external reality.

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