The Guide For The Youth | The Twenty-Third Word | 232
pillars of the Belief by employing the interpretership of a Particle (Atom) in the Language of disposition and conversation. Even though the most famous Islamic Philosophers such as Avicenna (Ibni Sina), Farabi, Avirosse (Ibni Rushd) had shown all of the existence as the proof of Belief, the Risale-i Nur Collection has been proving the truths of Belief with the tongue of an Atom or a Seed.

Had it been possible to show them the scientific capacity of the Risale-i Nur, they would have immediately kneel down to take lessons from them.

Fourthly : The Risale-i Nur has been providing in a very short period of time the knowledge and the information which cannot be obtained by many long years of study by teaching the essence of every science similar to the vitamin/mineral tablets providing the essence of fruits and vegetables.

Fifthly : The Risale-i Nur has been representing the greatest duty such as “serving the humanity” sincerely without making the Science a tool of worldly interests and it has been causing to earn “the consent of Allah” which is the main purpose of Sciences.

Sixthly : The Risale-i Nur Collection is the result of a powerful, and blessed meditation of Religious Faith and it is performing the duty of interpretation of Existence in the Languages of disposition and conversation. Furthermore it is developing and exploring the truths of Faith to the degrees of “the certainty of knowledge”, and “the certainty of vision”, and “the certainty of Truth”.

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