The Supreme Sign | Question And Answer | 167

This work is the work of a fiery intellect,

This is the genius awaited by all ages.

All of these lights are the superabundant lights of the world of humanity;

It is God’s epiphany shining within these truths, have no doubt!

O master! All men are amazed at your outpouring, amazed at your light;

The intelligent who find their desire in your work proclaim, "No fault can be found!"

Those who read these writings find a fresh new world of light, through God’s favour;

It is without doubt God Who creates waves of light in men’s hearts.

Your Student Husrev.

In confirmation of the words of our brother we say:

It is an obstacle to all and temptation, A source of amazement for all learning and philosophy.

To the eye of intelligence no point remains dark;

It is a source of grace and advancement.

IT is a manifestation of the Path and the Truth;

To the eye of intelligence no point now remains dark.

Students of the Risale-i Nur

Tahiri, Zubeyr, Ceylan,

Bayram, Abdulmuhsin.

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