The Supreme Sign | Question And Answer | 168

It is fitting to record here an important answer given to a highly important question. For in this lesson the Old Said speaks as if forty years ago he had foreseen the wondrous lessons and effects of the Risale-i Nur. We shall therefore write down here the question and answer.

Many people have asked both myself and the students of the Risale-i Nur the following question: " Why is it that the Risale- i Nur has not been defeated by so many opponents, obstinate philosophers and the people of misguidance? They have been able, to a degree, to prevent the dissemination of millions of true valuable books concerning belief and Islam; they have deprived of the truths of belief numerous wretched youths and men by means of vice and the pleasures of worldly life; and they have striven to break the Risale-i Nur, make men abandon it and shy away from it, through violent attacks, treacherous conduct, and lying propaganda. But the Risale- i Nur has been diffused in a fashion unparalleled by any other work; six hundred thousand copies have been distributed mostly in handwritten from, and have been read with the greatest ardour, both at home and abroad. What is the secret of this, and what is the

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