The Supreme Sign | Question And Answer | 171

misguded, and veritably impose their lesson upon him.

For example, we shall indicate very briefly the circumstances seen in the Light Verse as truth through the imaginaty journey. Those who desire the details should to pages 246 to 248 of the Ratifying Stamp of the Unseen Collection.

When I saw the animal realm, needy of sustenance, on my imaginary journey. I looked upon it with the eye of materialist philosophy. It slowed that realm to me to be extremely painful and full of torment, on account of extreme need and hunger, as well as weakness and powerlessness. I cried out in pain, for I had looked upon it with the eye of the people of misguidance and neglect.

Then I looked through the telescope of Qur’anic wisdom and belief and saw the Name of Merciful rising like a bright sun in the sign of Provider. It gilded the wretched and hungry world of the animate with the light of its mercy.

I saw then, within the animal realm, another world where young creatures were trembling on account of weakness, powerlessness and need, in a sad and painful darkness enough to inspire pity in anyone. But Then I said, "Alas! I have been looking with the gaze of the misguided." Suddenly belief gave me a pair of spectacles and I saw the Name of Compassionate rising in the sign of solicitude. It

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