The Supreme Sign | Question And Answer | 174

state of the wretched human species that was travelling through the infinite void of the cosmos on a terrifying ship namely the ancient globe, full of internal revolutions and earthquakes, traversing a distance of twenty five thousand years in a single year with a speed seventy times faster than that of a connon ball and being ever ready to disintegrate that state appeared to me be one of terrifying darkness. I cast the spectacles of philosophy to the ground and broke them. Suddenly I looked with an eye illumined by the wisdom of the Qur’an. I saw that various Names of the Creator of the Heavens and Earth, such as AllPowerful, All Knowing, Sustainer, God, Sustainer of the Heavens and the Earth, and Subjugator of the Sun and the Moon, were rising like suns in the signs of Mercy, Grandeur, and Dominicality. They illumined the dark, awesome and terrifying world in such manner that my believing eye I saw the globe to be like a wellordered and equipped, a pleasant and safe cruiser, stocked up with food and provision for everyone and prepared for pleasure, recreation and trade; I saw it to be like a ship, a plane, a train destined to travel in the Dominical realm around the sun of animate beings and bring to all that required sustenance the fruits of the summer, spring, and autumn. I said, "Praise be to God to the number of particles of the globe."

In numerous other comparisons of this kind

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