The Supreme Sign | Question And Answer | 175

throughout the Risale-i Nur, it has been proven that the people of vice and misgudance suffer even in this world a from of the torment of Hell. And the people of belief and righteousness, while still in this world are able to taste the pleasures of a from of Paradise, with the stomach given them by Islam and true humanity, the manifestations of belief. They benefit, indeed, in accordance with their degree of belief.

But in this tempestuous age, the currents that deaden our senses, and disperse our gazes to the farthest horizons while yet stifling them, have induced in men a state of bewilderment akin to the numbing of the senses, so that the people of misguidance cannot for the moment fully feel the torment they are suffering. The people of guidance are also afflicted by neglect and cannot fully appreciate the pleasures they are tasting.

The Second Awesome State This Age: in former times, the rebelliousness that arose from the misguidance and obstinacy proceeding from utter unbelief and science was slight, compared with the present age. For that reason, the lessons and proofs offered by the classical scholars of Islam were quite adequate. Unbelief arising from doubt they swiftly removed. Since belief in God was general, through making mention of God and warning of the torment of Hell-fire, they were able to make men desist from vice and misgudance.

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