The Supreme Sign | Question And Answer | 176

But now, whereas before only one absolute unbeliever could be found in a whole country, a hundred can be found in a single small town. It has become a hundred times more common for someone to be misguided on account of science and to rebel against the truths of belief.

Since these obstinate rebels oppose the truths of belief with an arrogance approaching that of the Pharaoh and with a most awesome kind of misguidance, a sacred truth is needed to confront them that will explode like an atomic bomb and destroy their foundations in this world. Only then will their aggression be halted and a group of them be brought to believe.

Thanks be without limit be then to God Almighty that the Risale-i Nur, a perfect cure for the wounds of the age, a miracle and a flash proceeding from the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition, breaks numerous obstinate rebels with its numerous comparison, thanks to the cutting sword of the Qur’an. The proofs and arguments it adduces for the Divine Unity and the truths of belief, as numerous as the particles of the cosmos, show that it has never been defeated by the attacks mounted against if for twenty-five years on the contrary, it has triumphed and continues to do so.

The Risale-i Nur proves visibly the comparisons it makes between belief and unbelief, between guidance and misguidance, and all the truths of belief.

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