The Supreme Sign | Question And Answer | 177

For example, if all the comparisons are seen to be like the proofs of the two Stations of the Twenty-Second Word, the First Stopping-Place of the Thirty-Second Word, the Windows of the Thirty-Third Word, and the Eleven proofs of The Staff of Moses, and if careful attention is paid, it will be understood that which is destined to break and shatter the absolute unbelief and rebellious, obstinate misguidance of the present age, is the Qur’anic Truth manifest in the Risale-i Nur.

God willing, just as the important talismans of religion and the sections uncovering the riddles of the creation have been gathered together in The Talismans Collection, so too the sections of the Risale-i Nur that show the people of misguidance to have their own Hell in this world, and the people of guidance to tast the pleasures of Paradise in this world, that show belief to be the seed out of which Paradise grows, and unbelief to be the seed from which grows the noisome tree of Hell-these sections also will be gathered together in a small collection and published.

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