The Supreme Sign | Question And Answer | 173

of my human capacities, including my heart, my spirit, and my intelligence, together with all the particles of my body, became ready to weep and lament. Suddenly a light and strength coming from the Qur’an broke those spectacles of misguidance and gave me a light whereby I saw God Almighty’s Name of Just rising in the sign of All-Wise, the Name of Merciful rising in the sign of Generous, the Name of Compassionate rising in the sign of Forgiving, the Name of Resurrector rising in the sign of Inheritor, the Name of Quickener rising in the sign of Beneficent, and the Name of Sustainer rising in the sign of Monarch, each like a sun (by "sign" here "meaning" is to be understood). They suddenly illumined and rejoiced the whole dark realm of humanity, together with the further realm it contained within itself. Dispersing all traces of hellish circumstance, they opened windows onto the luminous realm of the Hereafter, and scattered light over the distraught world of men. I said, "Praise be to God and thanks be to God, to the number of particles in the cosmos." And I saw and knew with utter certainty that even in this world there is a from of Hell contained in misguidance.

Then the world of the globe displayed itself to me. On my imaginary journey, the dark laws of science of the philosophy disobedient to religion presented to my imagination a frightening world. The

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