The Supreme Sign | Question And Answer | 169

reason for it?"

To questions such as this, we reply as follows: the Risale-i Nur, which is a true commentary on the All - Wise Qur’an through the property of its miraculousness, shows that misguidance is a species of Hell already in this world, and that guidance is a from of Paradise already in this world. It shows the painful torments contained within sin, evil, and forbidden pleasures and, and establishes that there are fine pleasures to be discovered within good deeds, fine qualities and acting according to the truths of God’s Law, pleasures akin to those of Paradise. It is thus able to save the sensible among the people of vice and misguidance. For in this age there are two awesome states:

The First: Since man’s senses, that fail to see the ultimate outcome of things and prefer an ounce of immediate pleasure to tons of future pleasure, habitually gain dominance over intelligence and thought, the only way to deliver the people of vice from their vice is to show to them the pain inherent in their pleasure and thus to vanquish the senses. As the verse,

They deen lovable the life of this world(1)

Indicates, the only path of deliverance from the danger

(1) Qur’an, 14:3.
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