The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE SECOND FLASH | 25

It is commonly said that misfortune is longlasting. Indeed it is, but not because it is  troublesome and distressing as people customarily imagine, but rather because it yields vital results just like a long life.




As was explained in the First Station of the Twenty-First Word, the power of patient  endurance given to man by God Almighty is adequate to every misfortune, unless  squandered  on  baseless  fears.  But  through  the  predominance  of  delusion, mans neglect  and his imagining this transient life to be eternal, he squanders his power of endurance on  the past and the future. His endurance is not equal to the misfortunes of the present, and he begins to complain. It is as if God forbid! he were complaining of God Almighty to men.  In a most unjustified and even lunatic fashion, he complains and demonstrates his lack of patience.

If  the  day  that  is  past  held  misfortune,  the  distress  is  now  gone,  and  only tranquillity remains; the pain has vanished and the pleasure in its cessation remains; the trouble is gone, and the reward remains. Hence one should not complain but give thanks for enjoyment. One should not resent misfortune, but love it. The transient life of the past comes to be counted as an eternal and blessed life because of misfortune. To think upon past pain with ones fancy and then to waste part of ones patience is lunacy.

As far as days yet to come are concerned, since they have not yet come, to think now of the illness or misfortune to be borne during them and display impatience, is also foolishness. To say to oneself Tomorrow or the day after I will be hungry and thirsty and constantly to drink water and eat bread today, is pure madness. Similarly, to think of misfortunes and sicknesses yet in the future but now non-existent, to suffer them already, to show impatience and to oppress oneself without any compulsion, is such stupidity that it no longer deserves pity and compassion.

In short, just as gratitude increases divine bounty, so too complaint increases misfortune, and removes all occasion for compassion.

During World  War  One, a  blessed  person in  Erzurum  was afflicted  with an awesome disease. I went to visit him and he said to me complaining bitterly: I have not been able to place my head on the pillow and sleep for a hundred nights. I was much grieved. Suddenly a thought came to me and I said:

Brother, the hundred difficult days you have spent are now just like one hundred happy days. Do not think of them and complain; rather look at them and be grateful. As  for  future   days,  since  they  have  not  yet  come,  place  your  trust  in  your Compassionate and Merciful Lord.

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