The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE ELEVENTH FLASH | 90

This statement of such a hero of realit y and the Sharia shows that the Prophets (UWBP)  practices are the foundation stone of the happiness of both worlds and the source and spring of all attainment and perfection.

O God! Bestow upon us the ability to follow the Illustrious Practices of the Prophet (UWBP). O our Sustainer! We believe in what You have revealed to Your Prophet; then write us down among those who bear witness.(3:53)




The verse, Say: If you do love God, follow me: God will love you(3:31)


displays a miraculous conciseness, for many phrases are included in its three phrases. It is as follows:

The verse says: If you believe in God (May His Glory be exalted), you will surely love Him. Since you love God, you will act in the manner He loves. To do that, you must resemble the one God loves, and he may be resembled by following him. Whenever you follow him, God will love you too. Anyway you have to love God so that He shall love you.

These phrases express only a brief and concise meaning of the verse. It means that mans most exalted goal is to receive Almighty God’s love. The verse shows that this may be  achieved by following God’s Beloved (UWBP) and his practices. If at this stage three points are proved, the above truth will become completely clear.

F i r s t  P o i n t : Man was created with an infinite innate love for the universes Creator. For included in his nature are a love of beauty, an ardour for perfection, and passion for  bestowal. His love increases proportionately to the degrees of beauty, perfection, and bestowal, reaching the furthest degrees of ecstatic ardour.

Furthermore, tiny mans tiny heart may hold a love as great as the universe. Yes, the fact that writings equivalent to a library of thousands of books may be inscribed in the faculty of memory, which is a coffer of the hearts the size of a lentil, shows that the human heart may contain the universe and bear love that great.

Since inherent in human nature is such an infinite capacity to love bestowal, beauty,  and  perfection;  and  since the  universes  Creator possesses  infinite sacred beauty, the existence of which is self-evidently established by His works apparent in the universe; and since He possesses infinite holy perfection, the existence of which is necessarily proved by the embroideries of His art to be seen in beings; and since He is the owner of infinite bounties, the existence of which is certainly, indeed, self-evidently established by the  infinite  varieties  of  His  bestowal  and  bounties  to  be  observed  in  living creatures;   these   surely   demand   infinite   love   from   man,   who   is   the   most comprehensive,  the  most  needy,  the  most  thoughtful,  and  the  most  yearning  of conscious beings.

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