The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE ELEVENTH FLASH | 93

Yes, since as  both friend  and  foe agree,  the person of Muhammad  (UWBP) manifested the highest degrees of moral virtues; and since as all are agreed, he is the most famous and excellent member of the human race; and since as is indicated by his thousands of miracles, and testified to by the World of Islam that he founded and its achievements, and is  affirmed by the truths of the Qur’an, which he heralded and interpreted, he was the most  excellent Perfect Man and most excellent guide; and since as the fruit of following him, millions of the people of perfection have advanced through the degrees of attainment and reached the happiness of both worlds; for sure his practices and actions are the finest examples to be followed, and the safest guides, and the soundest laws to be adopted as principles. Happy the person who has a large share of following the Prophets (UWBP) practices. While those who are lazy and do not follow them suffer vast loss, and those who consider them to be  unimportant commit a great crime, while if they criticize them, which infers denying them, it  is serious misguidance.14

S e c o n d  M a t t e r : Almighty God decrees in the All-Wise Quran, And you [stand] on an exalted standard of character.(68:4)

According to sound narrations, when the distinguished Companion Aisha the Veracious (May God be pleased with her) described the Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace), she would say: His character is the Qur’an.15  That is to say, Muhammad (Upon whom be blessings and peace) is the exemplar of the fine moral qualities described by the Quran. He conforms to them more than anyone, and his nature was created in accordance with them.

So even lunatics would understand how unfortunate are those heedless members of his community who believe in him yet give no importance to his practices or want to change them, despite each of his deeds, states, words, and actions being worthy of emulation by mankind.

T h i r d  M a t t e r : Since the Noble Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace)  was created with the most moderate character in the most perfect form, his actions and rest all proceeded on moderation and equanimity.16  His biography shows clearly that he always acted with moderation and equanimity, and avoided excess and negligence.



14 See, Bukhari, Itisam, 2; Ahkam, 1; Jihad, 109; Muslim, Imara, 33; Nasai, Bayat; 27;

Musnad, ii, 361.

15 Muslim, Salat al-Musafirin, 139; Abu Daud, Tatawwu, 26; Nasai, Tatawwu, 2; Musnad, vi,

54, 91, 163, 188, 216; al-Munawi, Fayd al-Qadir, v, 170; Ibn Hibban, Sahih, i, 345; iv, 112.

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