The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE ELEVENTH FLASH | 94

Yes, God’s Noble Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace) conformed completely to the command:


Therefore stand firm [in the Straight Way] as you are commanded,(11:112) and moderation is apparent in all his acts, words, and conduct. For example, since his reasoning faculty was free of wiliness and stupidity, which are excess and deficiency

resembling its  corruption and  darkness,  it  always  functioned  with wisdom, the middle way and means of moderation. Similarly, far from rage and cowardice, which are the corruption of the power of anger and its excess and deficiency, his power of anger was always employed with sacred courage, which is the middle way and means of moderation of that  power. And so too, purified of licentiousness and frigidity, which  are  the  excess  and  deficiency  of  the  power  of  animal  appetites  and  its corruption, his power of passion always took chasteness, the means of moderation of that power, as guide, at the degree of maximum virtuousness. And so on. In all his practices, daily conduct, and in carrying out the injunctions of his Sharia, he chose the way of moderation and  avoided  excess and  deficiency,  and  wastefulness and prodigality, which are wrongdoing and darkness. He avoided wastefulness absolutely and  took  frugality as  his  guide  in  his  speech  even,  and  in  eating  and  drinking. Thousands  of  books  have  been  written  describing  the  details  of  this   truth.  In accordance with A hint is enough for the wise, we make do with this drop from the ocean and cut the story short here.


O God, grant blessings to he who brought together in his person all fine moral  qualities, and  manifested  the mystery  of, And  you [stand] on  an exalted  standard  of  character, and  who  said: “Whoever adheres to  my practices when  my community is corrupted shall receive the reward of a hundred martyrs.

And they shall say: Praise be to God, who has guided us to this [felicity]; never  could we have found guidance, had it not been for the guidance of God; indeed it  was the truth that the prophets of our Sustainer brought to us.(7:43)

Glory be unto You! We have no knowledge save that which You have taught us; indeed You are All-Knowing, All-Wise.(2:32)





16 See, Musnad, vi, 68, 155; al-Tayalisi, al-Musnad, 49; Abu Yala, al-Musnad, iv, 478; al- Tabarani, al-Mujam al-Kabir, x, 314.

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