The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE TWELFTH FLASH: | 101

We shall prove this Qur’anic truth extremely briefly with rules and seven aspects of meaning.

First Rule: It is established by science and philosophy that limitless space is not an infinite vacuum, but is filled with matter called ether.

The Second: It is established by science and reason, indeed by observation, that a matter  which fills space is the bond of the laws governing the heavenly bodies like those of attraction and repulsion, and is the conductor and transmitter of such forces in matter as light, heat, and electricity.

The Third: It has been established empirically that while remaining as ether, it has various forms and formations like other matter. Just as there are three states of the same matter,  liquid, gas and solid, for instance, steam, water, and ice; so there is nothing  to  reasonably  prevent  ether  having  seven  states  or  levels;  it  cannot  be objected to in any way.

The Fourth: If the heavenly bodies are studied carefully, it will be seen that there is a difference in the levels. The level that contains the vast nebular sphere called the Milky Way of course does not resemble the level of the fixed stars. It is as if those stars have ripened and matured like the fruits of summer, while the uncountable stars apparent  in  the  form  of a cloud  in the Milky  Way are constantly emerging and beginning to mature.  According to accurate conjecture, the level of fixed stars also appears different to the level of the solar system. And so on. One may adduce seven systems and seven levels which differ from one another.

The  Fifth:  It  is  established  by  conjecture,  sense,  inductive  reasoning,  and experience that if a material is given order and form and if other artefacts are made from the material, it is transformed into various levels and forms. For example, when a  diamond  mine  is  worked,  from  the  material,  ashes,  coal,  and  diamonds  are produced. And  when fire  is  lit,  it  separates  into the levels of flame,  smoke,  and embers. And when water and oxygen are combined, levels like water, ice, and steam are formed. That is to say, when a single substance is worked, it may separate into levels. In which case, when Creative Power started  to work in the substance called ether, in accordance with the verse, And fashioned them  into seven heavens, it created from it seven sorts of heavens as differing levels.

The Sixth: The above indications necessarily indicate both the existence, and the plurality, of the heavens. Since the heavens are certainly numerous, and the Bringer of Sure News (UWBP) stated in the tongue of the Quran that they number seven, for sure they are seven.

The Seventh: Since  in Arabic, terms  like seven, seventy, and seven hundred express multiplicity, those universal seven levels may comprise multiple levels.

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