The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE TWELFTH FLASH: | 103

A particular even which is not literally true but is commonly accepted may be included in the universal meaning in order to conform to the generally held ideas. Whereas we saw numerous particulars which  are right and true. Now look at this unfair, unjust geography and drunken intoxicated  astronomy: how wrong these two sciences have been, closing their eyes to the universal meaning, which is right and correct and true, and not seeing the aspects which confirm it and are absolutely right; they have fancied an imaginary and extraordinary particular to be the meaning of the verse and thrown stones at the verse! And they have broken their own heads and lost their belief!

I n  S h o r t : Since like jinns and satans, unbelieving materialist ideas have been unable to ascend to the seven levels of the skies of the Qur’an, which was revealed in seven  recitations,6   and  with  seven  aspects,  seven  sorts  of  miraculousness,  seven truths, and seven pillars, they do not know what there is and what there is not in the

stars of its verses and give false and inaccurate reports. So falling stars like the above discussion descend on their heads from the stars of those verses and scorch them. Yes, the  heavens of the Qur’an cannot be ascended to by means of the jinn-like ideas of philosophy. The stars of its verses can only be risen to through the ascension of true wisdom and the wings of belief and Islam.


O God! Grant blessings to the Sun of the skies of prophethood and Moon of the  firmament of messengerhood, and to his Family and Companions, the stars of guidance for the rightly-guided.

Glory be unto You! We have no knowledge save that which You have taught us; indeed You are All-Knowing, All-Wise.(2:32)

O God! O Sustainer of the Heavens and  Earth! Adorn  the hearts of the translator of this treatise and his companions with the stars of the truths of the Quran and belief. Amen.


6   See, Bukhari, Fadail al-Quran, 5, 27; Tawhid, 553; Muslim, Salat al-musafirin, 270: Tirmidhi, Qiraat, 2.

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